April 12, 1998

Hsueh Liang Chang


Hallelujah! Jesus has risen! He was the conquerer of the sin of power, and he was victorous over the power of death and hell, our Heavenly Father has given him all authority in heaven and on earthwe shall praise and worship him forever.

Today is the Easter Sunday, we are thinking of Jesus Christ who died in the cross for sinners to redeem them from punishment, on the third day, he was resurrected, so whosoever believes in Him shall have the hope of resurrection, and shall experience his great power of resurrection in their daily life, we should be thankful to Him. Our sins were forgiven, we have been crucified with Christ, died with Him, buried with Him, and resurrected with Him, I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. (Romans 6:4, Galatians 2:20) We should live for the resurredcted Lord who died for us, and live a life according to his will, then our life shall become more and more like Christian, being the light of the glory be to the Lord. Amen!